Using LoRa for Geolocation?

LoRaWAN supports Time Difference of Arrival (TDOA) or triangulation for geolocation. A LoRa device can be located as long as three or more gateways interact with its signals. It can then be calculated the device’s distance by factoring in the time the signal took to get to them.
Alos it can be factored in the extent to which the signal has dispersed. The former method is typically more reliable since the speed of light is continuous in a specific medium.
With this method is possible to estimate the actual position of a LoRa device within 10m to 200m.

A more detailed report can be found on the website of Moko Lora at:

STM32WL SiP Module Simplifies LoRaWAN Device Development

STM32WL SiP Module Simplifies LoRaWAN Device Development

STMicroelectronics introduced a new device to its STM32WL series of wireless systems on chips. The new LoRaWAN sub-1 GHz STM32WL5MOC system in package (SiP) combines a dual-core STM32 microcontroller, RF radio, switch mode power supply, and passive components into a single LGA package. reports about this LoRa Module from STM.


AT ETH Zürich an AI robot named CyberRunner, whose task is to learn how to play the popular and widely accessible labyrinth marble game. The labyrinth is a game of physical skill whose goal is to steer a marble from a given start point to the end point. In doing so, the player must prevent the ball from falling into any of the holes that are present on the labyrinth board. CyberRunner applies recent advances in model-based reinforcement learning to the physical world and exploits its ability to make informed decisions about potentially successful behaviors by planning real-world decisions and actions into the future. The learning on the real-world labyrinth is conducted in 6.06 hours, comprising 1.2 million time steps at a control rate of 55 samples per second. The AI robot outperforms the previously fastest recorded time, achieved by an extremely skilled human player, by over 6%. Interestingly, during the learning process, CyberRunner naturally discovered shortcuts. It found ways to ’cheat’ by skipping certain parts of the maze. We had to step in and explicitly instruct it not to take any of those shortcuts. A preprint of the research paper is available on the project website, . We believe that this is the ideal testbed for research in real-world machine learning and AI. Prior to CyberRunner, only organizations with large budgets and custom-made experimental infrastructure could perform research in this area. Now, for less than 200 dollars, anyone can engage in cutting-edge AI research on the physical world. Furthermore, once thousands of CyberRunners are out in the real-world, it will be possible to engage in large-scale experiments, where learning happens in parallel, on a global scale.

LoRa Alliance® Announces New Relay Feature

We came across an important statement from the LoRa Alliance, which will make it much more useful
in rural areas and allow to increase the coverage:

LoRa Alliance® Announces New Relay Feature that Extends LoRaWAN® Coverage for Metering, Utilities, Smart Cities and Industrial Applications

Have a look at an article of FutureIOT, which describes the consequences and new possibilities which arise from this:

Relay feature extends LoRaWAN coverage for metering, utilities, smart cities and industrial applications

As you already know – IoT bring new opportunities for all industries. And this new feature makes it even easier!


Book: Practical IoT Hacking by F. Chantzis, E. Deirme, I. Stais, P. Calderon, B Woods

IoT is about to change the world. Some experts help you with this book to evaluate if the IoT device/product/system you are planning to use or build is safe enough to fit the purpose.

A good introduction to IoT from inside out … in contrast to popular management reviews (… ok … ‘stories’)  which show us only the blue sky of the Internet of Things.


Practical IoT Hacking – for more details browse this book on Amazon

Book: Practical IoT Hacking
Practical IoT Hacking